Twinnings & Protocols

Colleferro European Capital of Space will also be the occasion to stimulate twinning activities and strategic memoranda of understanding of the economic and social development, and coherent from a point of view of cultural identity. The ambition is to create a system of connections and networks on a territorial, national and international scale. There will be two main cohesion clusters for the twinning and ad hoc activities, the Space Cities and the Cities of Business Foundation.


  • Matera: ASI Space Center Headquarters
  • Airola: AVIO production plants
  • Rivalta di Torino: AVIO production plants
  • Perdasdefogu: Space Propulsion Test Facility platform
  • Milan: International Astronautical Congress Headquarters
  • Rome: ASI Italian Space Agency headquarters
  • Frascati: ESRIN European Center for Earth Observation
  • Dubai: EXPO DUBAI 2020 Universal Exhibition Venue
  • Paris: ESA European Space Agency headquarters
  • Vienna: UNOOSA United Nations Office
  • Noordwijk: ESTEC Headquarters Research Center for Space Activities

Build new opportunities.

At the dawn of the new seven years of European funds 2021-2027, in the light of PNRR funds and of the planning that will be presented in the regional and national metropolitan context, the European Capital of Space is meant to participate in opportunities to grow the CVA Association in order to promote the European identity on all territories and to maximize the impact on our territory. We will create an international network, including public administration, private stakeholders, professionals and universities, to increase the skills of new generations and to build new opportunities.

A European Capital with the values and models of:

  • Europe for Citizens Programme which supports initiatives that
    they reinforce the memory of recent European history and increase the civic participation at the EU level;
  • Erasmus + the European Union program for mobility in
    sectors of education, training, youth and sport;
  • Horizon Europe: the European Union framework program for research and innovation;
  • Life – Cinea: the European Union program for the environment and climate action.

Institutional Events

Colleferro European Space Capital coincides with the Presidency of the Communautè Des Villes Ariane – CVA and will be an important calendar occasion for the international institutional events that will put Italy at the centre with the City of Colleferro and the aerospace company AVIO in important diplomatic strategic relations activities and by stimulating opportunities for cohesion and comparison on a continental and world scale.

Main CVA Institutional Events:

  • Ceremony for the Delivery of the Presidency;
  • First Bureau Meeting;
  • The Board of Statutory Auditors and OGA;
  • CVA Day Berlin Air Show;
  • Second Bureau Meeting;
  • The Board of Statutory Auditors and OGA;
  • City of Space Twinning